designs and distributes on the market thousands of products thanks to a dedicated and professional service able to meet the market needs. OMB products are born from the experience of a company at the forefront of the industry, which aims to constantly improve by designing innovating solutions and features.

55 years of experience in the collection, compacting and transport of waste.


From the first contact with the customer, to the design and production of the product, to after-sales service: we employ the best resources to ensure efficient and quality services, able to meet the needs of the market.

Discover the entire OMB product range

A wide range of different types of containers and vehicles for waste collection. Choose the category and discover all the products.

Side loader compactors

They represent the origins of OMB production and are still the result of years of applied research and constant updates. Side-loading compactors are available in different volume configurations and with highly customisable and qualified equipment.

Rear Loader Compactors

Inherited from the historical experience of the brand Carrozzeria Moderna and cleverly redesigned, they currently represent the OMB’s production approach for traditional waste collection, both in service logistics situations, and in timely service situations, such as the “door-to-door” service. In this area as well, OMB’s proposal is offered in an innovating manner, to propose solutions always in line with the evolution of the collection services.

Refuse collection vehicles

Titlting container with or without sledge-compactor system and bin lifter are part of the Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCV) family, designed, manufactured and commercialized by Busi Group companies.
RThe loading is usually made by bin lifter (AVC) and it is also possible manually (only in exceptional cases). The manual waste collection is made easier by a side door, supplied as standard. The unloading step is by tilting and it can be made directly to the point of waste handling, inside medium/large compactors or inside roll on/off compactors.

Containers for side collection

Technology and design for OMB dumpsters, since always unique products, combining functionality and structural resistance to effectively absorb stress actions of daily use. The robotic welding process with continuous wire welding and subsequent hot-dip galvanisation make the robustness and the durability of the OMB dumpster famous. Modern user identification systems, weighing systems and computerization/data collection, make these containers the beating heart of the integrated service provided by OMB.

Where we are


Sede legale e amministrativa: Via delle Brede, 2 - 25080 Paitone (BS) Italy

Sede operativa: Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 80 - 25086 Rezzato (BS) Italy

Tel. +39.030.3697711 - Fax +39.030.3697788

E-mail: - Piva: 03609770981


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